Bihar Board Class 11 Maths Syllabus

Intermediate I Year Maths Syllabus

  1. Mathematical Logic, Sets and Functions

1.1 Sets

1.2 Relations and Functions

1.3 Mathematical Logic

1.4 Boolean Algebra

  1. Algebra
  1. Trigonometry

3.1 Sequence and Series

3.2 Complex Numbers

3.3 Quadratic Equations and Expressions

3.4 Permutation and Combination

3.5 Principle of Mathematical Induction

3.6 Binomial Theorem

3.7 Logarithm

3.8 Some Important Infinite Series

  1. Coordinate Geometry
  1. Elements of Calculus
  1. Statistics and Probability

6.1 Straight Lines

6.2 Conic Sections

6.3 Introduction of Three Dimensional Geometry

  1. Statistics
  2. Probability